Public Relations in The Digital Age

The evolution in technology has changed our daily lives, and has influenced the relationship between human beings. Current cutting edge technology is helping us to communicate rapidly and effectively. Nowadays, millions of people use Internet for news updates, communication, shopping, business, education, health, and for basic and fundamental needs of daily life. In sum, many people around the globe rely on Internet to get their desire information.

The development of World Wide Web has made life easier. I do not need to look out of my bedroom’s window to see if the day is sunny or cloudy anymore, because Google weather reports even tell me the temperature of my room. In this kind of life, where almost everybody has relied on the Internet, public relations officers have a golden opportunity to reach their target groups as quickly as they want. The growth of electronic media has significantly increased the chances for public relations practitioners to reach target mass audiences. However, it has brought some new challenges alongside. “The digital age has profoundly changed the demands placed on public relations professionals and the way they do their work” (Aronson, et al 1).

The online competition between companies, organizations, marketers, and individuals persuades public relations practitioners to be careful, innovative and honest about sending message to a particular group of people and customers. Thanks to digital technology, now, e-mail, Web sites, digital press releases, blogs, podcasting, and live video conferences are just some of the tools PR practitioners can use along with traditional and social media channels to reach their target audiences.


Work Cited

Aronson, Marry, et al. The Public Relations Writer’s Handbook-The Digital Age. California: Jossey-Bass, 2007: 1.

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